Submit a Manuscript
Instructions for Contributors:
1. Submissions to Perspectives in Religious Studies (PRSt) are accepted in either printed or electronic manuscript formats, though the electronic format is preferred. In the case of printed submissions, please send three copies of the manuscript to the editor, Dr. Mikeal C. Parsons, One Bear Place #97284, Department of Religion, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7284. Electronic files should be sent as attachments to Jeff Hubbard, Associate Editor for PRSt at indicating what platform (Mac or PC) and which word processing program (Word is preferred) have been used.
2. PRSt prefers the use of Unicode fonts for foreign language fonts used (e.g., Hebrew or Greek, etc.). Authors are asked to provide the name of the specific font used, Unicode or not, and to embed the fonts into their manuscript. Embedding fonts is a way to ensure that others can read your document, regardless of the fonts used. If you are using an older version of Word, simply go to "Save As" and then "Tools"; check the box to embed the font. If you are using Word 7, go to the Office logo in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Click on "Word Options" in the lower corner of the menu. This will open up another menu; click on "Save." There will be a box to check for embedding fonts. Check that box and hit "OK."
3. PRSt follows The SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd edition (Atlanta: SBL, 2014) for style, formatting, and abbreviations. If manuscripts depart from this style guide in major ways, they may be returned to authors for reworking before they are considered for publication.
4. PRSt is aimed at a general, educated religious audience; most, if not all, submissions are in English (though certainly foreign language quotations are acceptable). Submissions will not normally exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes.
5. Contributions submitted for publication should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 100 words, summarizing the main points and principle arguments. The abstract should be sent to
Review Process
1. PRSt uses a "double-blind" peer review process. If deemed worthy for further review by the editor, the manuscript is sent to two reviewers for comments. In most cases, at least one reviewer is a current member of the Editorial Board, but occasionally, depending on subject matter, both reviewers may be solicited from outside the board.
2. Reviewers may make one of the following recommendations: a) accept for publication; b) accept if specific revisions are made; c) request rewrite and resubmission for review; d)reject; e) refer to other journals (specified when possible). Reviewers are expected to submit their comments within 6 weeks after receiving the manuscript, and authors will be notified shortly thereafter. If an author has not heard from the editor within 8 weeks, s/he should feel free to inquire regarding the status of the submission.
3. If accepted, the manuscript will be placed in line for publication, and the author will receive camera-ready copy for review (usually in pdf format). Authors are expected to return corrections on page proofs within a week of receipt.
4. All publication rights for material published in Perspectives in Religious Studies are retained by PRSt. Authors seeking to publish their work elsewhere must secure written permission from the editor. Authors are not paid for their work, but they will receive two copies of their article after the issue is published.
Thematic Issues
1. At least once a year, PRSt publishes a thematic issue on some biblical, historical, or theological topic of interest to a general religious audience. Persons interested in guest editing such an issue should submit a proposal to the editor. The proposal should include a prospectus describing the topic proposed and its relevance for the audience of PRS, along with a list of 5-7 potential contributors. Thematic issues are planned at least a year in advance.
2. All correspondence regarding thematic issues should be directed to the Editor, Dr. Mikeal Parsons via either e-mail ( or snail mail, One Bear Place #97284, Department of Religion, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7284.
Book Reviews
1. PRSt does not accept unsolicited book reviews. If you are interested in being placed on the list of potential reviews, please send a note stating your areas of expertise, along with a current C.V., to the Book Review Editor, Jim McConnell at PRSt typically publishes "cluster" reviews of three or more books in a related area. Details of length, format, etc. can be obtained from the Book Review Editor.
2. Books for review should be submitted to the Book Review Editor, Jim McConnell, Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity, 110 N. Main Street, Noel Hall, P.O. Box 7314, Boiling Springs, North Carolina 28017. Books sent to this journal will not be returned to the senders, even if no review of them is published in it, unless sent at the request of the editors of PRSt.