Religion Courses of Particular Interest to Ministry Students
Religion 2480: Introduction to Ministry
Students taking Introduction to Ministry combine time in the classroom with time spent serving in the church and community. Through lecture and discussion they gain an understanding of ministry. Four major areas are developed:
- The Church/Parachurch and Ministry
- Spiritual Formation in Ministry
- Leadership in Ministry
- Functions of Ministry
Since nothing can take the place of actual experience, Religion 2480 also has the unique advantage of including an internship. The Ministry Guidance team meets each semester and prayerfully considers where -- and with whom-- each student should be placed. The nature of the internship is determined by the type of ministry toward which a student feels called. For the person who is not certain of the exact area of future service, an internship is provided that allows them to explore multiple modes of ministry. For every student, the internship offers opportunities for discernment and call clarification. It is thus exceedingly constructive for a vocational Christian ministry student to observe and do ministry under a trained supervisor. More information about the Ministry Guidance internship program can be found here.
Religion 2480 is required of those receiving ministry scholarships. Because of the foundational and practical nature of this course, it is suggested that 2480 be taken soon after completing Religion 1310 and 1350. Taking "Introduction to Ministry" early in one's academic career is advantageous in that the student, through observation and participation, is better prepared to assume a leadership role in ministry. In addition, most students gain a clearer sense of vocational direction, enabling them to choose summer internships and future coursework that complements their chosen ministry field. This course is offered every fall and spring semester.
Religion 3381: Communication in Ministry
This course equips students to improve their ability to interpret the Bible and to deliver messages and lead Bible studies. Students not only deepen their understanding of the theological basis for proclamation, but they also gain experience in delivering messages and leading Bible studies that are biblically based, hermeneutically sound, engaging, and relevant. This course is offered each fall semester.
Religion 3382: Cross-Cultural Ministry
This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of the issues related to cross-cultural ministry as well as the contemporary strategies utilized by Christian missions practitioners. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to organize and participate effectively in cross-cultural ministry endeavors, either local or global. The course would be particularly helpful for those with interests in short- and/or long-term missions and those seeking to equip others to engage in cross-cultural ministry. This course is offered each spring semester.
Religion 4374: Leadership in Ministry
Leadership in Ministry focuses on the study of the principles and models of effective leadership in ministry. The course enables students to examine leadership functions in the local church and in other institutions related to ministry. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to identify the biblical foundations for ministry leadership, articulate an understanding of diverse leadership styles in relation to the student’s own leadership tendencies, and provide effective administrative leadership for the work of ministry in various situations. This course is offered each spring semester.