2019 Roundtable
Summary of the 2019 Roundtable
At the 2019 BSIR Distinguished Fellow and historian David Bebbington identified four interpretive lenses through which Baptists have historically viewed the kingdom of God. They are: ecclesiological, eschatological, social, and providential. Ecclesiastical interpretations locate the kingdom of God in the Church and its extension throughout the world. Eschatological views of the kingdom have, at varying points throughout history, encompassed millenarian doctrines, expectations of a future kingdom, and the gradual growth of God’s kingdom over time. Social interpretations might consider the implications of the kingdom for broader culture or for issues such as injustice and oppression. Finally, providential interpretations of God’s kingdom often feature the discernment of the divine purpose in history.
Program for the 2019 BSIR Roundtable
Pictures from the 2019 Roundtable