BGCT Ministry Scholarship
Baylor University provides tuition assistance in coordination with the Baptist General Convention of Texas for Baptist students who are preparing for careers in church-related vocational ministry.
Additional scholarship assistance may be available for ministry students who demonstrate financial need. In order to determine eligibility for the additional assistance, the applicant must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, as well as a CSS Profile. Please note that BGCT Ministry Scholarship recipients are ineligible for the state-funded Tuition Equalization Grant, per State of Texas regulation.
To be eligible a student must:
1. Show evidence of a divine call to church-related vocational ministry.
2. Demonstrate a lifestyle of commitment to the principles of the Christian life.
3. Be an active member of a Baptist* church.
4. Provide certification from his/her church.
5. Be working toward a Religion major or minor or other ministry-related degree such as Church Music or Church Recreation.
*First-year students must be certified by their home Baptist church. Annual renewal of the BGCT Ministry Scholarship will require certification by a local school-year Baptist General Convention of Texas church.
Initial/ Renewing/ Transfer Applicants
- The student must complete a BGCT Ministry Scholarship Application including testimony of personal call to vocational ministry (testimony to be uploaded with scholarship application). In addition to your personal information, you will be asked to provide an accurate email address for the church staff member who can provide evidence of your church certification. The scholarship application is to be completed prior to the beginning of the semester for which the scholarship application is being made. The amount of this ministry scholarship is 5% of tuition for Baylor undergraduate hours, renewable through graduation.
Eligibility for the BGCT Ministry Scholarship must be reviewed and reaffirmed annually.
Qualifying students who accept this BGCT Ministry Scholarship assistance commit themselves to take Religion 2480 "Introduction to Ministry" at some point in their studies at Baylor. A ministry-vocations assessment, intended to assist in self-awareness and call clarification, is also a requirement of this scholarship program and is a part of the Religion 2480 course. Failure to satisfactorily complete the Religion 2480 course will prevent the student from graduating from Baylor University unless the BGCT Ministry Scholarship is repaid.
The student must meet the following renewal requirements:
- Demonstrate a lifestyle of commitment to the principles of the Christian life.
- Provide an accurate email address for the certifying pastor, so that a completed Church Certification Renewal Form may be obtained, thereby furnishing evidence of the student’s involvement with, support of, and commitment to a local cooperating BGCT church. (Ministry Scholarship recipients are urged to become involved with a local school-year BGCT church early in the school year and to identify themselves to the pastor and staff of the local school-year BGCT church so that the renewal certification requirement can be met. Please list the certifying minister that knows you best, but refrain from using the lead pastor of the church unless that is the minister that knows you best).
- Provide a written reaffirmation of a sense of call to church-related vocational ministry and a desire to continue to receive the BGCT Ministry Scholarship (uploaded with the application.)
- Be working toward a Religion major or minor or other ministry-related degree such as Church Music or Church Recreation.
- Meet the Baylor University standards for measurable satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress (copies available from the Baylor University Office of Academic Scholarships and Financial Aid).
- Be in compliance with any additional requirements or policies of Baylor University and the Baptist General Convention of Texas, for which notification has been previously given.
For further information or to apply for the scholarship, please contact Heather Starkey in the Ministry Guidance Office or call (254) 710-3739. The Ministry Guidance Office is located on the Baylor campus in the Tidwell Bible Building, Religion Suite on the Ground Level (basement).