Research resources
An Academic Environment
The Baylor University library offers an extensive collection of bound volumes, periodicals, and electronic resources. With the mentoring of faculty active in cutting-edge research and teaching, doctoral students are encouraged to publish their work and present it at academic conferences. The university and department provide funds to cover expenses incurred in presenting papers at conferences. The Graduate Theological Fellowship also provides occasions for community building among the students. All in all, the Baylor Religion Department provides a vibrant context for graduate work.
The Southwest Commission on Religious Studies
The SWCRS was established in 1974 to encourage, support, and coordinate scholarly activities in the field of religious studies in the Southwest. The Commission serves as the umbrella organization for the regional American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, Association for the Scientific Study of Religion, and American Schools of Oriental Research. The annual regional meeting provides an excellent opportunity for both faculty and graduate students in religion to present their research.
Perspectives in Religious Studies
Established in 1972, Perspectives in Religious Studies is a publication produced for the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. This journal is now published quarterly and began with the first issue appearing in 1974. Visit the journal website for information about submissions and review opportunities.