Mission Connections
Go Now Missions
Sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas, the Student Missions staff is available to answer any questions and assist you in any way that we can. Please contact Brenda Sanders at 1.888.288.1853. Please also take some time to visit our web site. We encourage you to read through all of the "Applying" and "Questions" sections online at Go Now Missions
Baylor University Spiritual Live
To learn more about Baylor University Ministries such as Chapel, Student Ministries, Graduate Ministries, Pastoral Care Ministries, or mission opportunities, visit their website
Baylor Baptist Student Ministries
Staff members and students join together to offer Baylor a place where students can experience fellowship, discipleship, and life-changing relationships. Supported by Baylor University and Texas Baptists, the Baptist Student Ministries (BSM) program at Baylor University is a Christ-centered fellowship of ex-students with a heart for community to the campus, churches and the community. As a student-led, adult-directed ministry, BSM brings youthful enthusiasm and wise direction to its programming and worship experiences. For more information, visit our website at Baylor BSM
Student Go
Student.Go - a program of CBF Global Missions - provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to serve among the unevangelized and marginalized people in our world. Our positions include a wide variety of locations and unique types of ministry and are intended to provide students with hands-on missions experience. Students serve for a summer or a semester alongside CBF Global Missions field personnel and ministry partners in locations around the globe. Not only do the students gain invaluable experience in cross-cultural service, they also provide crucial assistance to the ministries with which they work. Visit their website or contact Jennifer Fuller or Amy Derrick with questions or for more information!