James Nogalski, Ph.D.
W. Marshall & Lulie Craig Professor of Old Testament
- Dr. Theol. (University of Zürich)
- Th.M. (International Baptist Theological Seminary in Rüschlikon)
- M.Div. (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
- B.A. (Samford University)
Jim Nogalski joined the faculty of the Religion Department at Baylor in the fall of 2007 after teaching at institutions in South Carolina, Kentucky, Illinois, and North Carolina. Nogalski is best known for his ongoing work in prophetic literature of the Hebrew Bible, and especially in the Book of the Twelve (Hosea through Malachi). Nogalski grew up in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kentucky. After graduating Samford University he completed a Master of Divinity degree at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky before traveling to Zurich, Switzerland where he completed a Master of Theology in Old Testament at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Rüschlikon (a suburb of Zurich), and his doctoral degree at the University of Zurich. His recent commentary on the Book of the Twelve was published in two volumes by Smyth and Helwys. Nogalski's wife, Melanie, is Assistant Director of the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (BIC) Programs and Admission. He has two daughters: Megan is a financial analyst in Austin, and Toni works in OALA (the Office of Acess and Learning - Academic Affairs) at Baylor.
Academic Interests and Research
His primary area of research is the Book of the Twelve (Minor Prophets), but he has also published articles on aspects of Psalms and translated books on methodology, form criticism, prophetic theology, and the editing of the Pentateuch.
The Books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah. NICOT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2023.
The Book of Micah. NICOT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2024.
An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2018.
The Book of the Twelve and Beyond: Collected Essays of James D. Nogalski. Ancient Israel and Its Literature 29. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017.
Interpreting Prophetic Literature: Historical and Exegetical Tools for Reading the Prophets. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.
The Book of the Twelve: Hosea - Jonah. Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. Macon: Smyth and Helwys, 2011.
The Book of the Twelve: Micah - Malachi. Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. Macon: Smyth and Helwys, 2011.
Ehud Ben Zvi and James D. Nogalski. Two Sides of a Coin: Juxtaposing Views on Interpreting the Book of the Twelve/Twelve Prophetic Books (Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2009).
Literary Precursors to the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 217. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1993.
Redactional Processes in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 218. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1993.
Nogalski has translated four books from German to English. The latest is Genesis and the Moses Story by Konrad Schmid (Eisenbrauns, 2010). He has also co-edited two collections of essays. He edited (with Rainer Albertz and Jakob Wöhrle) Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) and (with Marvin A. Sweeney), Reading and Hearing the Book of the Twelve (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000).
Selected Essays
“Preexilic Portions of the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 33–52 in The Books of the Twelve Prophets: Minor Prophets -- Major Theologies. Heinz-Josef Fabry, ed. Bibliotheca Ephemeridium Lovaniensium 295. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
“Redaction Criticism and the Prophets” will be published in the Oxford Handbook of the Prophets to appear in 2016 by Oxford University Press.
“How Does Malachi’s ‘Book of Remembrance’ Function for the Cultic Elite?” Pages 199–222 in Priest and Cult in the Book of the Twelve. Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, ed. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
“Zephaniah’s Use of Genesis 1–11.” Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 2 (2014.): 351-372.
"Not Just Another Nation: Obadiah's Placement in the Book of the Twelve" in Perspectives on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012).
"Jerusalem, Samaria, and Bethel in the Book of the Twelve" in Die Stadt im Zwölfprophetenbuch (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012; edited by Aaron Schart and Jutta Krispenz).
"Un et douze livres. La nature du processes rédactionnel et les implications de la présence de matériau cultuel dans le livre des XII Petits Prophètes." In Les recueils prophetiques de la Bible: Origines, milieux, et contexte proche-oriental. Edited by Jean-Daniel Macchi, Christophe Nihan, and Thomas Römer. Le Monde de la Bible. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2012.
"Reevaluating the Enemy in Micah 7." In Hearing the Word of God through Historically Dissimilar Traditions. A Festschrift for Gerald Sheppard. London: T&T Clark, 2010.
"One Book and Twelve Books: The Nature of the Redactional Work and the Implications of Cultic Source Material in the Book of the Twelve" in Two Sides of a Coin: Juxtaposing Views on Interpreting the Book of the Twelve/Twelve Prophetic Books (Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2009).
“Guest Editorial: Reading the Book of the Twelve Theologically.” Interpretation 61 (2007): 115-124.
“Recurring Themes in the Book of the Twelve: Creating Points of Contact for a Theological Reading.” Interpretation 61 (2007): 125-137.
Professional Awards and Activities
Member of the Society of Biblical Literature Research and Publications Committee, beginning 2009
Steering Committee (2004-Present), Society of Biblical Literature The Book of the Twelve Group
Editorial Board (2004-2008), Perspectives in Religious Studies
The Editorial Board of the Review and Expositor, 1994-96